Discovery Educational Software
  Discovery Educational Software


Toolbox - ostateczny towarzysz dla zajetego nauczyciela


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Wersja 4 - Teraz robi osiem zupelnie różnych typów zagadek

Zagadki czterosłowne

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Cztery zagadki tekstowe
Type or paste a text, on any topic, in any language, and in seconds you can print a Labirynt, a coded or scrambled text or a gap fill exercise.

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Pomieszaj zdania
Pomieszaj zdania
Gap fill
Gap fill

Arkusze zdania w języku angielskim:

Shapes - Wordsearch puzzle in an octagon

House and Face - Wordsearch puzzles using custom-made shapes

UK Quiz - Crossword puzzle with filled-in background and numbered letters to form a hidden phrase

Colours - 25 scrambled colours with numbered letters to form the key to an extra sentence

Holiday in Spain - Scrambled text (letters / words / sentences)

US States - Coded by shifting letters back one place (B coded as A, etc.)

Minimalne wymagania systemowe:
PC z systemem WindowsTM XP lub nowszy

Tytuł można pobrać i wypróbować przez 15 dni.

£  10.00
Pobierz tutaj   (1.5 Mb)
USB dla jednego użytkownika £  22.00
USB z licencją szkolnego £100.00

Informacje zwrotne

Licencje szkolne

Our site licence allows you to copy the software onto a network or onto an unlimited number of free-standing machines, or to make duplicate copies of the CD-ROM, all for use within the specified establishment.

It also allows teachers to install the software on home computers for use in connection with the licenced premises.

The prices include one CD-ROM.

A copy of the site licence is available on request.


  Stawki pocztowe (za sztukę):

    1    2 - 4    5 - 9    10+
Tylko w Wielkiej Brytanii £ 2.50 £ 1.50 £ 0.90 £ 0.65
Reszta Europy £ 3.50 £ 2.50 £ 1.50 £ 1.00
poza Europą £ 5.50 £ 3.25 £ 2.20 £ 1.75

Jak zapłacić

Payment may be made online using a credit / debit card, or by Paypal.

The Invoice option is available to UK schools and nurseries only. Use the "Additional Information" box if you have an order number.

All other customers must pay for the goods before they are dispatched.

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Pomieszaj Zdania


Pathfinder (Musical Instruments)

- Beginning with the letter in the square box, follow a continuous path to find 19 musical instruments.
- Any topic, any language
- Upper / lower case, or as typed (retaining existing capital letters)
- Full range of colours and fonts

Gap fill

Gap fill:

- (A) Up to 20 sentences with or without multiple choice answers
- (B) Text / sentences with missing characters (vowels, punctuation, spaces, etc.)
- Full range of colours and fonts